On this page we test three different virtual physician personalities
This page is specifically for the anonymous version that does not include medical history. If you wish to try out the virtual patient profiles, kindly return to the homepage and click on the blue icon located at the lower right corner of the screen.
Welcome to this website! We are available for you seven days a week, 24 hours a day. As part of a research project, we are creating a virtual treatment plan. Currently, we have virtual doctors for:
Through artificial intelligence, scientific publications and publicly accessible fee guidelines are processed in compliance with all legal requirements.
So funktioniert es
Scientific Study
We are conducting an international scientific study to assess the relevance of an AI-generated virtual treatment plan.
We have created virtual digital copies of leading experts, and this expert knowledge is now available to you through teleconsultation, free of charge.
Personalized Medicine
Once you register in our Open-Source Virtual Patient System, you will receive a personal PIN code via SMS. In the next step, we will gather your medical history, relevant health information, and symptoms. Then, you will be provided with a personal virtual specialist capable of answering your questions with specialized knowledge.
This elevates the information communication between patients and doctors to a new level while simultaneously reducing costs. As part of this scientific study, we cover all teleconsultation expenses for you.
Artificial Intelligence
The responses generated by these virtual doctors using artificial intelligence (digital twins) will be evaluated in the scientific study based on various parameters. This assessment will take place during a free consultation at our clinic to determine the accuracy of the treatment plan created through teleconsultation.
Biography of Dr. Michael Truppe
Dr. Michael Truppe is a pioneer in computer-assisted surgery and teleconsultation. He developed the first image-guided navigation system that utilizes augmented reality and head-mounted displays. The initial application of this system took place in 1997 at the Medical University of Vienna. Truppe has received multiple patents, and his research has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund. His work has been cited over 2700 times. He continues to make significant contributions through projects in teleconsultation and artificial intelligence. His current project is based on open-source principles and involves international collaboration between medical professionals and researchers.